It’s Black Friday, and you have no idea what to buy for the patristics nerds on your shopping list. Here are some suggestions — all new books — most of which I’ve reviewed on this blog or in Touchstone magazine this year.
A Patristic Greek Reader, by Rodney A. Whitacre
Fathers Of The Church: A Comprehensive Introduction, by Hubertus Drobner
The Christian Catacombs of Rome: History, Decoration, Inscriptions, by Fabrizio Bisconti et al.
The Treasures of Coptic Art, by Gawdat Gabra
Through Their Own Eyes: Liturgy as the Byzantines Saw It, by Robert Taft, S.J.
Deification and Grace, by Daniel A. Keating
We Look for a Kingdom: The Everyday Lives of the Early Christians, by Carl Sommer
Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger, by Gary Michuta
Son Of Skip James, by Dion (with his musical tribute to St. Jerome, “The Thunderer”)
The Ancient Traditions of the Virgin Mary’s Dormition and Assumption, by Stephen J. Shoemaker
And don’t forget the NEW, expanded editions of these titles:
The Fathers of the Church: An Introduction to the First Christian Teachers, by Mike Aquilina
The Mass of the Early Christians, by Mike Aquilina
Thank you! I’ve been stressing about what to get the patristic nerds in my life and should’ve known to come here for all my shopping needs.