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Angels on the Air

I’ve been doing lots of radio to talk about my new book, Angels of God: The Bible, the Church and the Heavenly Hosts. I’ve never experienced anything like this level of interest and even exhilaration as folks discuss the material. I did Frank Morock’s show (#918, archived here), and Frank said that audience response was tremendous. Yesterday I appeared on Al Kresta’s show (archived here). And last week I recorded a three-part series with Bruce and Kris McGregor for KVSS radio. As those shows air, they’ll be posted on KVSS’s Aquilina Archive Page. Come to think of it, Al Kresta has an Aquilina Archive as well.

The angels book draws from many of our favorite authors (yours and mine), and so do the interviews. I’m indebted to Gregory the Great, Dionysius the Areopagite, Augustine, and Chrysostom, with an occasional dash of Ignatius of Antioch, Origen, Hermas, and Tertullian.

One thought on “Angels on the Air

  1. How great it is for you, Mike, but greater for the Angels who have been ignored! Hope to catch you on Monday on Gail’s program!!!!

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