Our prodigious patristic translator, Kevin at Biblicalia has set some lofty goals for himself — and we’re all the beneficiaries. He’s been translating St. Clement of Rome’s First Letter to the Corinthians as a septuagintian pace, and he’s already posted chapters 1-32. Where does he go from here? He has a plan:
I’m intending to alternate translation work, one Greek, one Hebrew, one Latin, continually now.
The Latin I have in mind is a work that I started on years ago and never finished due to the messy textual issues: St Victorinus of Petavium’s commentary to the Apocalypse. Jerome “edited” the work, rewriting substantial portions, eliminating all chiliasm or hints thereof. Fortunately we have both his reworked edition and the original … I’ll present translations of both, a first in English, so far as I know.
The next Greek will be, at long last, the Apostolic Constitutions. The Hebrew will of course be the Old Testament, but I intend to adapt it to reflect the Septuagint, and include all the various apocrypha.
Please visit Kevin’s blog, read the text, and let him know what you think. He’ll be posting his translations, chapter by chapter, free of charge and open to comment, as he produces them. As he put it: “It really makes it much more fun to do all this knowing that someone is actually reading them and appreciating them.”
UPDATE: Kevin’s now up to chapter 58.
I thank God for thankful people! You make it all worthwhile.