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Coded Message

I noticed this morning that, while I was looking the other way, nine reviews had accumulated on Amazon for my latest book, The Grail Code: Quest for the Real Presence, which I co-authored with my friend Christopher Bailey. Check out the reviews. They’re uniformly effusive, and this pleases me to no end. (The book is available in Canadian French, too, as Graal Code: Enquête sur le mystère du Graal. And it’ll soon be out in German. Chris and I have heard rumors of Italians and Spaniards waiting in the wings. One may hope, and so may two.)

And while you’re surfing, visit, Chris’s blog. You’ll find lots of fascinating scoops on the Grail, Merlin, Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot, Galahad, and all the questers.

2 thoughts on “Coded Message

  1. I gave my copy of The Grail Code to Mom and she dictated the following message for you.

    “Thoroughly fascinating and extermely readable. I want to thank you for the piece on John Henry Newman and the last chapter – which brings us all up short. Thank you so very much – Betty Carlin”

  2. Thank YOU, Mrs. Carlin, for such a kind comment. I’ll pass it on to my co-author. You’ll make his day, too.

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