A couple of weeks back, I posted a brief backgrounder on Marcion the heresiarch, all as an appetizer for Ben C. Smith’s launch of a series on biblical canons. Ben’s first posting, at the blog Thoughts on Antiquity, was fascinating. Now the second installment, on the Muratorian Canon, is up. Get to know this fragmentary document from the second century — the oldest surviving list of the New Testament books.
Ben also runs a website that’s dangerously useful for those of us with a Fathers fixation. It includes a clearinghouse of translations of the Apostolic Fathers, along with some secondary literature and, of course, the texts in the original languages. Ben’s own religious opinions are unique and a little idiosyncratic. But, judging by the quality of his work, you won’t find a more dedicated and open-minded seeker after truth. He makes me aware of what a lazy slug I really am. Pay him some mind. Put his work to good use.
Thanks for the comments, Mike. I especially appreciate your saintlike gentleness in calling my religious beliefs unique and a little idiosyncratic instead of any of a number of less flattering expressions you might have used.
I have added your weblog to my regular reads. Keep up the good work!