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Jerusalem’s Buried Treasure?

Rogue Classicism tells us that yesterday was (by one way of reckoning) the anniversary of the day the Roman armies breached the walls of the upper city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Now Jim Davila at PaleoJudaica tells us of Sean Kingsley, a British archeologist who believes he has traced the whereabouts of the treasures of the Jerusalem Temple. Their route takes several twists and turns through the patristic era, as they move from Jerusalem to Rome to Constantinople to North Africa before settling back in Judea. Kingsley believes the treasures, including the sacred Menorah, are buried beneath an ancient monastery in the wilderness. You can piece the story together by reading this and this.

One of my favorite photos from last year’s St. Paul Center pilgrimage to Rome is of Scott Hahn telling the sad story of Jerusalem’s fall, while all the pilgrims gazed upon the Arch of Titus. The Arch’s sculptured walls vividly illustrate Jerusalem’s tragedy in terms of the pagan Romans’ triumph.

We’ll be back to tell the tale in May of 2007, God willing. Please consider joining us!

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One thought on “Jerusalem’s Buried Treasure?

  1. Intense photo. I took photos of the interior of the arch last time I was there, primarily the sculptures of the Roman Army carrying off the treasures of the temple.

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