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Chased To Be Chaste

Evagrius Ponticus lived a troubled life in the fourth century, and he’s had a troubled afterlife. In his youth he was hounded out of Constantinople by a jealous husband. He made his way to safety in the Egyptian desert, where he penned some classics of spirituality. (It was he who gave us the much-quoted line: “A theologian is one who prays, and one who prays is a theologian.”) After his death, his writings got caught up in the Origenist purges. He’s enjoyed a bit of a revival in recent decades. Now there’s a new book, an anthology and biographical study in one, for which we may rejoice. There’s a review here. Hat tip: Rogue Classicism.

One thought on “Chased To Be Chaste

  1. As with my other delvings into the Fathers, which are as yet Not Many, I find them facing all the crazy & interesting issues & outrages that we see in every newspaper. That is a comfort, under God. When the Episcopalians were on the brink of requiring everyone to accept women’s ordination as their Right, I discovered Jerome on Paula and Eustochium. Comfort really means to make strong.

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