I’m holding a beautiful, beautiful book, Lourdes Today: A Pilgrimage to Mary’s Grotto by my friend Kerry Crawford. As a patristics nerd, I’m much more likely to talk about the waters of Abu Mina than any upstart shrine from the nineteenth century. But this book moved me to tears many times. I’ve written reviews or reports on it for the the Pittsburgh Catholic, Our Sunday Visitor, and Touchstone. I implore you to buy and read this hopeful book — that even managed to rouse me out of the age of the Fathers.
But don’t just take my word for it. Pere Regis-Marie de la Teysonniere, chaplain of the sanctuaries at Lourdes, said: “Where can you find a reality diversified yet unified? In Lourdes, France, and in Lourdes Today. Where can you hear the testimony of so many people in a different way but together building the same inspiring world? In Lourdes, France, and in Lourdes Today. Where can you feel heaven so close to earth? In Lourdes, France, and in Lourdes Today.”
Just interviewed Kerry this morning. Fantastic stuff. Highly recommended.