There’s a big patristics deal going on at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh next week. It’s actually a colloquium on the reception history of the Bible, and it takes place March 27, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. It’s free and open to the public. How’s this for a lineup?
“The Church Fathers and New Testament Exegesis” — Dr. Dale C. Allison (Pittsburgh Theological Seminary)
“Christ, the Church, and the Shape of Scripture: What We Can Learn from Patristic Exegesis” — Fr. Brian E. Daley, S.J. (University of Notre Dame)
“Blessed is the Glory of God from His Place”: Notes on the Jewish and Christian Reception History of Ezek 3:12 — Fr. Alexander Golitzin (Marquette University)
“Scandal and Expectation: The Function of the Allegory/Typology Distinction in Contemporary Scholarship” — Dr. Peter Martens (Yale University)
“The Reproduction of Gen 1:26-27 in Y. Berakhot 12d and Early Syriac Sources” — Dr. Silviu Bunta (University of Dayton)
“Inspired Word and Spiritual Worship: How Byzantine Hymnography Interprets Sacred Scripture” — Fr. John Custer (Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Ss. Cyril and Methodius)
“Ancient Interpretation of John 8” — Dr. Susan Hylen (Vanderbilt University)
“Reception History within the Canon Itself: A Case Study on Leviticus 25 and the Year of the Jubilee” — Dr. John Bergsma (Franciscan University of Steubenville)
“My Journey with Mark” — Fr. Sean P. Kealy, C.S.Sp. (Duquesne University)
I’m hoping to be there — if the work gets done between now and then. Let me know if you’re planning to go.
The priest who received me into the Orthodox Church is a professor of Theology at Duquesne University. He attended Marquette and is well acquainted with Father Golitzin.
His name is Fr. Radu Bordineau.
Curses! Foiled again by the lack of cheap, practical teleportation in this era!
And it’s hard to thumb a ride when your arm’s in a cast!
Sorry, Mike. It sounds great, but it’s not in the cards for me. Maybe next time!
Father Jack Custer is a great speaker and teacher and you’re in for a treat if you attend his talk.
It sounds interesting, but I’ll have to stay home and work, so that I’ll be able to attend the talk “Newman on Conscience and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit” that evening at the National Institute of Newman Studies.
Pittsburgh rocks.