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Patristics in Opryland

Well, close anyway.

I’m giving three talks at the 2010 St. Thomas Aquinas Theological & Catechetical Forum at Aquinas College, Nashville, Tennessee. The annual forum, aimed at catechists, offers an intensive study of a particular point of doctrine or devotion. This year’s particular point is patristics. (Now, say that five times fast.) I don’t know how I got on the program with the other speakers, who have actual gravitas, but somehow I did.

You can find out more about the program at Aquinas College’s website or by reading the feature in the Nashville diocesan paper.

2 thoughts on “Patristics in Opryland

  1. If you play your cards right during Christmas, you might be able to gain a little gravitas–at least physically speaking.

  2. The last thing I need.

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