Hey, the new book is in!
I just finished taping a 10-part series on the book with Kris McGregor of KVSS Radio. But don’t wait to hear what I have to say about it. Listen to the experts:
Most Reverend Donald W. Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, says:
The Fathers of the Church have so much to say and Mike Aquilina, in his latest book Roots of the Faith: From the Church Fathers to You, helps us clearly to hear their voice. This book opens the reader onto the wisdom of the Church’s great living tradition. Here we find the Church Fathers’ insights on some of the most important questions of our day: marriage, the defense of human life and the meaning of human sexuality. Readers who are new to the writings of the Church Fathers will find this book inviting, engaging and a welcome guide for learning how to think with the mind of the Church.
Father Thomas Weinandy, noted patrologist and the U.S. bishops’ chief doctrinal official, says:
Mike Aquilina’s ardent faith in Jesus and his informed love for the Church and for her traditions splendidly shine forth in his new book: Roots of the Faith: From the Church Fathers to You. He manifests this love by presenting to the reader the teachings of the early Fathers of the Church on subjects of contemporary importance, such as, the Mass, Confession, the Bible, marriage and family life, and the dignity of human life. Aquilina’s own style is clear, lively, and imaginative. This is an excellent book for laity and clergy alike. It is not only informative, but it is also fun to read.
Bob Lockwood, author of A Guy’s Guide to the Good Life, says:
It is a question every Christian has to ask – do I believe what the early Christians believed? Mike Aquilina looks at our Catholic faith and the faith of our fathers (and mothers) to give a clear answer – if you could hop in a time machine and go back to the Church in its infancy, you’d find the faith you know today. With a scholar’s depth and a journalist’s gift to make it all simple, this is a book you read with a pen in hand to mark the good stuff on every page. Because Mike Aquilina defends the faith with a prayer…and a punch.
I have my copy already and love it!