My new book, co-authored with Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C., is The Mass: The Glory, the Mystery, the Tradition. I’m really pleased with the book. But you shouldn’t take my word for it. Publisher’s Weekly said it’s “practical and poetic, intended to feed both intellect and soul.” Fr. Benedict Groeschel, Scott Hahn, several archbishops and bishops, and the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus have all posted enthusiastic reviews, and you can read them all here.
And there’s press coverage, too:
Catholic News Agency interviewed His Eminence about the book and related issues.
Catholic News Service covered the Cardinal’s first book-signing.
CUFBlog talked up the book, and so did Sarah Hayes.
Kris McGregor and I also had a conversation, which she’s podcasted here.
You’ll notice that many people appreciate our constant invocation of the Fathers as authorities.
I love this shot of my co-author moving units — and hearts.
(Foto EP/Rafael Cris—ostomo)
Congratulations Mike. I look forward to reading it.
Thanks, Fr. David! See you at Mass.
I love that there is a statue of Jesus in the middle of the picture as it captures the essence of Mass. Mass is the source and summit of Christian life, and Christ is the center of it, Jesus is the reason.
Good eye, Camille. I love everything about the composition of the picture. The kids, the mom, the statue, the book, the bishop.
guess i’ll have to pick this one up to!
I just ordered my copy today. If it’s half as good as “A Year with the Church Fathers,” it will be great! I am newly less than a year-old in the Roman Catholic Church, so I look forward to learning much about the Mass.
Congratulations on the success of your new book Mike! Doug and I would like to know if you will be given your own show on EWTN? We enjoyed the ones you have done with Schott Hahn and feel that you would make an excellent subject for a series!
Please bring a complimentary, signed copy for me when you and Jr. come to visit in Florida!