My book Mothers of the Church: The Witness of Early Christian Women, co-authored with my friend Christopher Bailey, has been getting some great press. Here are the two most recent notices.
Brian Caulfield interviewed me for the Knights of Columbus’s Fathers for Good site. He led off with the rather provocative question: “You did a book on the Fathers of the Church, and now on Mothers. Is there real substance to the lives of early Christian women?” He got my Irish up. It turned into a great conversation.
Kathleen Manning reviewed the book in the pages of U.S. Catholic magazine.
I’ve also been doing a lot of radio on this topic. Nothing I’ve done has drawn so many callers. When you think about the great women of the early Church — Thecla, Perpetua, Agnes, Macrina, Marcella, Paula, Eustochium, Monica, Olympias — it’s easy to see why.
All you holy women, pray for us.
Good book!
I kinda miss St. Fabiola though. Maybe next book?
When Banshee talks, people listen!
what do you mean by “He got my Irish up”? I thought you were Italian.
Please note that Christians don’t do ethnic stereotypes.
I have abundant patristic precedent for ethnic stereotyping.